Ashamed of Home
My memories scream for the unrested ancestors given unjust laws — treated unfairly it was so called reconstruction, “the lost cause.” Rebuilding a nation based on lies; the negro beast- mock the blackman, the order civilization -- Beginning of the new -- terrible masters, abuse the young women, destroy the young man. Mentally and physically another slave child is born, mother is still scorned--
This is not my equality,
this is not my freedom
this is not my liberation.
Human gentrification, love is love — In a love centered nation…
What is America?
Is it the heritage?
Is it White Supremecy?
Is it racism?
Is there prejudice?
Remember Reverend Clementa Pinkney in South Carolina?
Wave confederate flags to economic indifference, cultural inequality with psychological setbacks.
Mentally dilapidated, fighting for your child’s future, afraid of police and hope a friend don’t shot you--
No one man is the blame for this lifetime of suppressive and negative energy given to the people,
for the people by the people. I stand in solidarity with anyone who of willing to restrain yourself from the ways of the past… Never give up, never quit, never doubt and never fear. You’re special inside and out.
Know who you are and how powerful the mind is.
“Creation is beautiful, keep thinking.”